Submit Memorabilia or News


We need your support and cooperation to ensure that this website has a wealth of memorabilia and news for all of us to treasure. Therefore, we request all Old Publicans to send us photographs, certificates, magazines, and any other memorabilia that you have of our old school. Also send us any news that you feel should be shared by all Old Publicans. To submit memorabilia or news, simply fill in the form below, attach the files containing the memorabilia or news and click on "Submit".



Full Name

(as you want it to appear on the website)

Class Of

(year in which you passed Matric exam)

Email Address

(your email address)

Description of Memorabilia or News

(Please give a detailed desciption of the memorabilia or news which can be uploaded on the website)

Memorabilia or News

(Upload your photograph, certificate, magazine or any other memorabilia from school days or news, by clicking on browse)